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Entosiphon section
tail spines
Mitochondria and ER
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Georgia Electron Microscopy is home to electron microscopy instrumentation and equipment for multi-disciplinary research. A highly knowledgeable technical staff with diverse backgrounds work with a wide variety of clients to maximize results. GEM provides a broad range of assistance for research, training, and service functions.  The Core service provides workshops, outreach and assists with courses for the University System of Georgia.

GEM is a member of the Georgia Research Alliance Core Exchange. 

Featured Researchers

Dr. Hitesh Handa

Assistant Professor, Engineering

Dr. Jin Xie

Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Dr. Jaroslava Halper

Professor and Medical Pathologist
Department of Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Aaron Thompson

Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences
Dr. Tim Hoover

Professor and Head of Microbiology
Dr. Sergiy Minko

Georgia Power Professor of Fiber and Polymer Science
Dr. Suraj Sharma

Assistant Professor, Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors
Dr. Yiping Zhao

Associate Professor, Physics

News and Events

Welcome Dr Roussel

GEM has a new staff scientist Bayleigh Roussel (PhD), who will be leading our Cryo-TEM efforts.

Atomic Resolution at GEM

GEM now has the ability to image at atomic resolution, if you are interested please contact Dr. Formo.  The cost...