Hitachi SU3900
The Hitachi SU-3900 SEM is a variable pressure SEM able to operate at either high vac, 30 Pa, or 50 Pa of pressure. The 3900 has secondary electron, back scatter, and Hitachi’s UVD detector to collect images along with an oxford EDS system. Excitingly the 3900 has a Quorum cryo preparation attachment which will allow us to image samples frozen to cryogenic temperatures. This SEM system is ideal for imaging wet or oily samples which would have previously needed extensive sample preparation before imaging.
Training for standard usage: 300 dollars per person (comes with two hours of instrument usage)
Hourly rate for standard usage for academic/non-profit trained users: 70 dollars per hour
Hourly rate for standard usage for staff imaging of submitted samples from academic/non-profit users: 150 dollars per hour
Hourly rate for standard usage for staff imaging of submitted samples from for profit users: 450 dollars per hour
Cryo imaging of samples from academic/non-profit users: 150 dollars per sample
Cryo imaging of samples from for-profit users: 450 dollars per sample